PeopleThank you to the following people:
- Shaheer Babar, who sketched the initial redesign and rebrand of the site.
- Martin Keary (Tantacrul), who provided design tips and criticism of the original site.
- My freshman Robotics Club teacher, who first got me into programming.
- My Graphic Design teacher, who's helped me with the design aspects in some of my projects, even if it might be outside his comfort zone.
- My Dad, who gave me encouragement on the rewrite and in future projects.
- Everyone who's supported me over the years, either financially, emotionally, or just by sticking around.
- You, for checking this place out and being a really cool person :)
As cheesy as it sounds, without them none of this wouldn't be possible, so thank you all. Seriously, thank you :D
~ ggtyler