This website is currently in beta! Expect a few incomplete pages.


New Domain!

Woah, it changed from “digital” to “dev”… very important news.

So, if you’re busy, all you need to know is that the old domain ( is going to be removed by the start of March and you’ll need to use the new one ( for now on. That counts for anything with a URL;, Dark Side SCP, or anything in the future.

If you do have the time, though, I’d like to explain why this is important, and it has a semi-interesting story behind it as well.

So why’d ya do it?

So roughly around last year, I found out about this neat program called “GitHub Student Developer Pack”, and I thought it was a pretty damn good deal to start out with. It contains pretty much all the tools I use today, including, Jetbrains IDEs, Unity, and (most important in this story), a free domain for a year.

I already had my mind set on a good domain, which is the new one, But at the time I thought this was the only free domain I could get (they may have changed this now.) So, I got the domain, along with some other goodies.

Fast forward to present day and I’m scrambling for cash. For some reason, in their infinite wisdom, they didn’t think students would still be students by the time their plans have ended. Take one guess how much that domain would cost to renew. $10? $20? Nope, $34 a year for an otherwise normal domain. Just to compare, you can get $1 a month domains.

This new one happened to be one…well, it’s $12 a year, but it’s pretty much the same thing. You might call me cheapo, and you’re correct, ‘cause I’m not over-paying for stuff they technically don’t own.

Which is actually a pretty good segue to this next bit.

Shilling time

You might notice, but I’m not really good on cash right now. Here’s a screenshot of my bank account.

$22.18 available balance on my bank account.

Man, I’m rich! Let’s factor in fees too. The hosting service for all my online projects is, which I also nabbed a free plan from that GitHub dev pack. That plan is $7 a month and it charges me starting on March 2nd, so I got until…

…June 2nd till everything goes down. Luckily by that time I’ll be out of HS and (hopefully) in a part-time job, but that is a really tight spot it put me in. So, if you want to support me and keep this thing up just a little longer, I recently set up a Ko-Fi account where you can buy me a coffee. support the website and other online services.

I’ll make sure to keep track of all the money raised through there and use it exclusively for paying off these plans, as well as any funding for any future projects. And, for the sake of transparency, at the end of every quarter of the year there will be a donation funding report, listing where all the money raised will/has go towards.

And if you don’t have cash or don’t care about this, I get you. I ignored the Wikipedia message about donating too. But if you had the time to read all this crap out, then I ask that you share this around. I know that’s said in pretty much every single e-begging message, but hey, sometimes it works.

And if you can’t for whatever reason, then sticking around might be best :) Seriously, that helps me massively, cause as far as I know, nearly nobody actually care about this.

Thanks for reading all the way through :D No matter what happens, thank you for checking out any of my projects, and cya till next time.
